ESD casters - PP-EL series
Electrically conductive polypropylene wheels and casters
The wheels in the PP...-EL series are made from high-quality injection-moulded polypropylene. The wheels are highly resistant to a wide range of aggressive substances. With a hardness of 60 Shore D, they offer a particularly low level of rolling resistance and are electrically conductive, with a maximum resistance of 104 ohms.
The electrically conductive wheels and casters in the PP series are primarily used for industrial and commercial applications whenever sensitive goods need to be protected against electrical discharge.
PP…-EL – Wheels
The standard range of PP...-EL series contains wheels with diameters ranging between 4 and 8 inch. These wheels use ball bearings.
Wheel Ø
[inch]Load capacity
at 2.5 mph
[lbs]Bearing type
Axle bore Ø
[inch]PP 100/8KA-EL 4 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ 355 ball bearing (C) ⁵⁄₁₆ 1 ¹³⁄₁₆ PP 125/8KA-EL 5 1 ⁹⁄₁₆ 440 ball bearing (C) ⁵⁄₁₆ 1 ¹³⁄₁₆ PP 150/20K-EL 6 2 660 ball bearing ¹³⁄₁₆ 2 ³⁄₈ PP 200/20K-EL 8 2 990 ball bearing ¹³⁄₁₆ 2 ³⁄₈ -
PP…-EL – Swivel casters with plate
As standard, the PP...-EL series is available with various rig series with a top plate fitting. These vary in terms of their design:
LE series: Pressed steel swivel rig with top plate fitting
L series: Pressed steel swivel rig with top plate fitting, medium duty designThe guide provides a detailed comparison of the rig series which are available. Suitable brake systems for each base product are listed in the relevant section.
Wheel Ø
[inch]Load capacity
at 2.5 mph
[lbs]Bearing type
Total height
[inch]Bolt hole
hole Ø
[inch]LE-PP 100KA-EL 4 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ 330 ball bearing (C) 4 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ 3 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ x 3 ³⁄₈ 3 5/32 x 2 3/8 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ L-PP 100KA-EL 4 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ 355 ball bearing (C) 4 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ 3 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ x 3 ³⁄₈ 3 5/32 x 2 3/8 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ LE-PP 125KA-EL 5 1 ⁹⁄₁₆ 330 ball bearing (C) 5 ⁷⁄₈ 3 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ x 3 ³⁄₈ 3 5/32 x 2 3/8 1 ¹⁄₂ L-PP 125KA-EL 5 1 ⁹⁄₁₆ 440 ball bearing (C) 5 ⁷⁄₈ 3 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ x 3 ³⁄₈ 3 5/32 x 2 3/8 1 ¹⁄₂ LE-PP 150K-EL 6 2 660 ball bearing 7 ¹⁄₂ 5 ¹⁄₂ x 4 ⁵⁄₁₆ 4 1/8 x 2 31/32-3 5/32 2 ¹⁄₈ L-PP 150K-EL 6 2 660 ball bearing 7 ¹⁄₂ 5 ¹⁄₂ x 4 ⁵⁄₁₆ 4 1/8 x 2 31/32-3 5/32 2 ³⁄₈ LE-PP 200K-EL 8 2 660 ball bearing 9 ¹⁄₄ 5 ¹⁄₂ x 4 ⁵⁄₁₆ 4 1/8 x 2 31/32-3 5/32 2 ¹⁄₈ L-PP 200K-EL 8 2 880 ball bearing 9 ¹⁄₄ 5 ¹⁄₂ x 4 ⁵⁄₁₆ 4 1/8 x 2 31/32-3 5/32 2 ⁹⁄₁₆ -
PP…-EL – Swivel casters with bolt hole
In addition to the plate fitting, the PP…-EL series is also available with a bolt hole fitting for the following rig series.
LER series: Pressed steel swivel rig with bolt hole
A detailed description of the LER rig series is available in the guide. The different brake systems available for each base product are listed in the relevant section.
Wheel Ø
[inch]Load capacity
at 2.5 mph
[lbs]Bearing type
Total height
[inch]Plate Ø
hole Ø
[inch]LER-PP 100KA-EL 4 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ 330 ball bearing (C) 4 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ 2 ³⁄₄ ¹⁄₂ 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ LER-PP 125KA-EL 5 1 ⁹⁄₁₆ 330 ball bearing (C) 5 ⁷⁄₈ 2 ³⁄₄ ¹⁄₂ 1 ¹⁄₂ LER-PP 150K-EL 6 2 660 ball bearing 7 ¹⁄₂ 3 ⁷⁄₁₆ ¹⁄₂ 2 ¹⁄₈ LER-PP 200K-EL 8 2 660 ball bearing 9 ¹⁄₄ 3 ⁷⁄₁₆ ¹⁄₂ 2 ¹⁄₈ -
PP…-EL – Rigid casters
The following rig series is a suitable rigid caster for the PP…-EL series:
B series: Pressed steel rigid rig with top plate fitting, medium duty design
A detailed description of the rig is available in our guide.
Wheel Ø
[inch]Load capacity
at 2.5 mph
[lbs]Bearing type
Total height
[inch]Bolt hole
hole Ø
[inch]B-PP 100KA-EL 4 1 ⁷⁄₁₆ 355 ball bearing (C) 4 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ 3 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ x 3 ³⁄₈ 3 5/32 x 2 3/8 B-PP 125KA-EL 5 1 ⁹⁄₁₆ 440 ball bearing (C) 5 ⁷⁄₈ 3 ¹⁵⁄₁₆ x 3 ³⁄₈ 3 5/32 x 2 3/8 B-PP 150K-EL 6 2 660 ball bearing 7 ¹⁄₂ 5 ¹⁄₂ x 4 ⁵⁄₁₆ 4 1/8 x 2 31/32-3 5/32 B-PP 200K-EL 8 2 880 ball bearing 9 ¹⁄₄ 5 ¹⁄₂ x 4 ⁵⁄₁₆ 4 1/8 x 2 31/32-3 5/32