ESD casters – safety for sensitive equipment
Providing protection against electrostatic discharge

Electrically conductive wheels and antistatic wheels and casters are used in almost every industrial setting, from medical engineering, electrical and semi-conductor industries to the automotive industry, hospitals, pharmaceuticals and other chemical industrial sectors. These wheels and casters are used everywhere protection against electrostatic discharge is required. Operators and sensitive goods are particularly susceptible to the electrostatic discharge that can be generated by transport units or by transported goods. ESD wheels and casters can be used to prevent these discharges. A wheel or a caster is regarded as electrically conductive if its ohmic resistance does not exceed 104 Ω. These wheels and casters have the product code suffix -EL or -ELS. A wheel or a caster is regarded as having antistatic properties if its ohmic resistance does not exceed 107Ω. To meet these requirements, Blickle tests the wheels and casters on a special test bench in line with DIN EN 12527. Measurements are taken at three different points on the tread of the wheel to ensure that electrostatic potential can be safely dissipated, even in critical applications. Blickle provides a total of 13 different series with an antistatic or electrically conductive version to meet a variety of requirements. These series use rubber, synthetic, metal, cast iron or polyurethane treads. More information about conductivity and the treads used by the wheels is available in our guide.